Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Vomittus Eruptus Round 3

Ugh! I so thought we were done with the puking. Buzz started yesterday AM around 3. Rub woke up with a tummy ache at four, so far no puking for him. Dub had not puked yet but looked awfully green and was being much brattier (is that a word?) than normal. I was feeling TIRED but not so tired I could not whip up a batch of orange almond Swiss butter cream frosting to put on my hips the chocolate cake I baked the night before. MMM! I indulged in half the cake a piece of cake after the kids went to bed...You heard me I did not share my cake with them. I don't think I could handle seeing my labor of love spewed across the carpet. Besides, chocolate stains.

This morning at five, as I was ironing JC's uniform, which turned out not to be JC's uniform but some guy named Eduardo's because the uniform company the county uses is the worst ever, I hear Dub whining and hyperventilating. Ugh! He's spewed in his bed. So I clean him up and settle him down in my room. It's gonna be a grand day, I can just feel it!

I made Buzz stay home from school again despite his begging to go. Yes, he is my strange child. He actually loves to go to school. He had not thrown up since yesterday afternoon but he also had not had anything to eat or drink except a half glass of 7-Up and a few sips of Gatorade. So just to make certain I would not have to go pick him up from school an hour after he got there I just made him stay home. He is doing fine and will return to school tomorrow. Just in time for Rub to start barfing I am sure. In the spirit of Mardi Gras and my sarcastic nature, Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Oh, and I hope you enjoy your freshly ironed uniform Eduardo, where ever you are with your scrawny size 30/28 short little self. I had to send JC to work in wrinkled pants, which is really a pet peeve of mine, but I did not have time to iron another pair because I was dealing with a sick boy. Dang uniform company!


The Queen Bee said...

I'm sure Eduardo is very glad. His wife is not as good as JC's!

JR Hart said...

i'm sure wrinkled clothes are ok for JC's work. :D

Lynnie said...

I haven't checked out your blog in a bit so I thought I'd head over and OH MY GOD YOU POOR THING having to deal with the stomach flu all around! Honestly, I would rather my kids had ANYTHING BUT the stomach flu. It is just such a mess. I hope you are all good and healthy soon!

Karrie said...

Yo- girlie,
you got a life or something? update yourself, woman!

Beyla said...

Hey, I though I had been offline for a long while - and I got that right, because we have finally moved intot the farm and didn't get our connection up and running till today. So come on now - your computer didn't get drowned in vomit, did it? I sure hope not.. eeew....

Haha, whenever reading your blog I can't help thinking "I can't handle being a mom!!!" I have to admit to being struck with absolute admiration to the moms out there. woah!