Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Drown You In The Name of The Father....

Dub makes me laugh most all day long. When he is not making me laugh he is being so tender and sweet it almost makes me cry. I had a VERY EXPIRED roll of B&W film in my camera bag. I wasn't sure these shots would turn out all that great but we had fun taking them and I was very happy to see they turned out so well.

Funny Dub saying of the week:
We were talking about how Buzz only has seven months left before he gets baptized and Dub says "Mom, zero more until my bathtism."
Me- "baPtsim Dub, and you have 3 1/2 more years."
Dub- "Nooa! It's bathtism. You know when you get in that bathtub at the church and Dad drowns you down."

See, always making me laugh. Love this boy!


The McCauley Family said...

Wow those pictures are cute! that last black and white one of Dub smelling the flower, looks like a greeting card!

Karrie said...

You have a talent in photography, my dear.

pick a date for dinner this cristmas vacation. not the 29th... how about the 23? the 2nd?

Maria said...

super cute photos!!! i haven't used film for ages and would probably screw it all up! hope you're enjoying the holidays!!